At the award ceremony: (from left) Lothar Kübler, Sigmar Gabriel and Stephan Link (CFO Kübler Group).

At the award ceremony: (from left) Lothar Kübler, Sigmar Gabriel and Stephan Link (CFO Kübler Group). (Photo: © Kübler)

Kübler Group once again TOP JOB employer


Fritz Kübler GmbH was honoured by the Zentrum für Arbeitgeberattraktivität (Centre for Employer Attractiveness, zeag GmbH) as one of the best employers in Germany.

Every year, zeag GmbH selects the most attractive employers among German medium-sized businesses. The "Top Job" seal 2023 is awarded by former Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel as patron. The Kübler Group took part for the fifth time.

Anonymous employee survey and a personnel audit

The basis for the employer award is an anonymous employee survey as well as a personnel audit under the scientific direction of the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen. The internationally active family business with around 500 employees worldwide received especially good marks in the area of "Culture & Communication".

Kübler is a developer, producer and distributor of products & solutions for measurement, transmission and evaluation. 

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