ETN Elastomer-Technik GmbH celebrated its 25th anniversary. (Photo: © ETN Elastomer-Technik Nürnberg GmbH)

ETN celebrates its 25th anniversary


ETN Elastomer-Technik Nürnberg GmbH had plenty to celebrate: founder Horst Eichler could look back proudly on 25 years of company history in the company of his employees, their partners and local suppliers.

Eichler expressed his thanks for the successful cooperation with a successful fête with live music, magical surprises and an exhibition on company and product history.

Founded in 1993

The company was founded on 1 June 1993 in a single family terrace house with garage in Nuremberg. "Nuremberg" remained part of the company name even after the company later moved to Kalchreuth.

The company has now become one of the best-known suppliers for wearing and damping parts made of polyurethane, polyamide, polyethylene and other plastics, also in combination with metal.

ETN operates worldwide

HandwerkThanks to innovative employees, important improvements have been created and implemented in various sectors – especially the lift industry.

The fields of application also include printing presses, drinks dispensers, sewage treatment works, escalators, winter maintenance or mechanical engineering. In close cooperation with its suppliers, the company also tries to keep up with the state of the art and exploit this to the benefit of its customers.

Today ETN operates worldwide and currently has a workforce of 20. The company sets very great store by energy efficiency, environmental compatibility and socially-responsible behaviour, for which it has already received several awards.

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