(Photo: © View Elevator)

Digital lift log: simplifying administration and maintenance


The aim of the new digital lift log of View Elevator is to make the administration and maintenance of lifts much simpler. This in particular included digital threat assessment, which this platform implemented efficiently and securely, according to the company.

By Johannes Schober

View Elevator’s digital lift log provides a central information and documentation platform for all data relevant to the lift’s operation. It provides access to operating data, maintenance protocols, test certificates and safety analyses. This digitalisation replaces traditional paper records and facilitates seamless integration of all lift data in real time.

Implementation of digital threat assessment

Step 1: data recording and integration

Photo: © View ElevatorPhoto: © View Elevator

The first step is comprehensive recording of all relevant data. This includes the technical specifications of the lift, historic maintenance data and specific environmental factors. By scanning a QR code, you can take a digital photo of the lift according to paragraph 3 of the Operational Safety Ordinance on the spot without an installed app. Employees can make a preselection with a filter option according to lift type and erection foundation. After providing this information, only relevant questions are asked, which saves time.

Step 2: dynamic threat evaluation

The threat assessment in View Elevator is dynamic. Changes in operation or in the ambient conditions are immediately recorded and evaluated, which guarantees up-to-date and reliable safety assessments.

Step 3: documentation and reporting

All results of the risk analyses are automatically recorded in the digital log book. This includes reports on identified threats, measures performed and their results. This documentation can be viewed at any time by authorised users and can be used for audits, inspections and legal requirements.

Step 4: measure planning and implementation

The digital log book permits planning and implementation of preventive measures, based on the findings of the threat assessment. Planning of maintenance work can be carried out in a targeted and efficient manner to minimise identified risks. Necessary repairs or adjustments are prioritised and tracked to ensure that all measures are carried out on time and properly.

Advantages of digital threat assessment
• No app installation required: Access is provided via a web browser, which simplifies handling.
• Combined GBU: The threat assessment can be combined with status evaluation and environment consideration.
• Integrated cyber security query: Security checks regarding cyber security are already integrated.
• Independent recording on site: The threat assessment can be carried out by an authorised inspection body, lift company or lift manager.
• Independent workflow: The platform offers a workflow for recording, diagnosis and correction of risks.
• Flexible diagnosis generation: Diagnoses can be generated with or without cost estimate as a result of which future investments can be planned and budgeted.

Recording via link or QR code directly on mobile phone or tablet

Johannes Schober. Photo: © View ElevatorJohannes Schober. Photo: © View Elevator

The recording of data occurs via a link or QR code, which is retrieved on the mobile phone or tablet. This simplifies recording information on site and ensures seamless data integration.

The further processing or diagnosis of the data recorded occurs directly in the digital platform. Open defects are taken up as tasks and can undergo further processing by the operator, lift company or lift manager.

Future-oriented budgeting

This integrated procedure permits precise planning and budgeting of future investments to remedy defects. Operators can engage in targeted financial resource planning and ensure that the measures required are carried out on time and efficiently.

The author is CEO and founder of View Elevator.

More information: view-elevator.at

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