A sustainable new generation of lift buffers
The company P+S Polyurethan Elastomere from Diepholz has launched a new generation of high-performance lift buffers at the interlift 2023 in Augsburg.
"It was time to expand the performance of our Diepocell BM material in order to find and implement the next technological step of our lift buffers," revealed Daniel Semprecht, Sales Director at P+S. The result was a new generation of high-performance buffers made of P+S polyurethane elastomers. "We are very satisfied with the new D-55 and D-85 models, because they achieve significantly larger load ranges and enable our customers for example to use these in much smaller installations spaces," Semprecht continued.
"During the development phase, we took into account the load ranges of the well-established previous D-series products, but we reduced the nominal diameter of the components," added Steffen Kemp, project engineer at P+S.
The advantages of the new lift buffers of the D-55 & D-85 series: There are only four nominal sizes with a total of six buffer models and two certified speeds according to EN 81-20/50:2020 (EU), as well as BS EN81-20/50:2020 (UKCA). Buffers with a diameter of 140mm and larger which are currently used on the market can be replaced by components with a diameter between 80 and 125mm. The load capacity of the four nominal sizes ranges from a minimum of 160kg to a maximum of 10.200 kg per buffer.
Sustainable production process
Photo: © P+S Polyurethan Elastomere"Reduced variants & nominal sizes with significantly improved load ranges, a reverse compatibility with the previous D-series as well as competitive products and various certificates with unlimited validity are real benefits for our customers and those to be," emphasized Semprecht.
All lift buffers of the new D-55 & D-85 series are available NOW. They would be manufactured in a sustainable production process in the production plant in Germany, according to P + S. The energy consumption for the production processes was generated by photovoltaic systems, and shipping took place in efficient and optimized packing units which enabled a significantly reduced CO2 footprint of the product.
From development to delivery, all processes in the company are audited and certified acc. to ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 & 50001.
More information: pus-polyurethan.de
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