(Photo: © Meiller Aufzugtüren)

Sustainability: the key to competitiveness


Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the world of lift components. Those whose planning and use of resources are sustainable will remain competitive and also be able to hold their own in the markets of the future.

Sustainability is the subject of much discussion in business, including in the field of lifts and components. In today’s world, it is the key to competitiveness and therefore of crucial importance when deciding what to buy.

Sustainability is to be seen from two perspectives here: both in terms of ecological sustainability as well as in terms of the cost effectiveness of the products. Meiller’s Heavy Duty door series aims to combine both of these dimensions and to serve as a long-term sustainable solution in the field of industry.

Healthy economic viability

Photo: © Meiller AufzugtürenPhoto: © Meiller Aufzugtüren

Cargo lifts can expect a long service life and trouble-free operation when they have high quality, sturdy lift doors that permit extended availability. Such lifts are decisive for the productivity of production lines and logistics systems where they are in constant operation and malfunctions result in high costs for the operator.

Durable, trouble-free doors are an investment in the future. Meiller’s HD Heavy Duty door series are one example of this. "They are extremely resilient and low-maintenance. In industrial use, they have established themselves as a dependable solution that offers maximum reliability and facilitates smooth production," according to the manufacturer. This avoided the high costs arising from malfunctions and breakdowns, Meiller pointed out.

Open doors to sustainable solutions

Photo: © Meiller AufzugtürenPhoto: © Meiller Aufzugtüren

Lift doors as replaceable components are particularly important from an ecological perspective. The very rugged nature and durability of Meiller’s Heavy Duty doors made a decisive contribution to ecological sustainability, the Munich-based company emphasised.

The doors were designed to ensure they withstood the extreme loading of industrial use and had an extraordinarily long service life. This greatly reduced the need for frequent replacements and the associated environmental pollution.

Technical facts

Photo: © Meiller AufzugtürenPhoto: © Meiller Aufzugtüren

Meiller’s Heavy Duty doors have a door impost made of 3 mm galvanised steel with a zinc magnesium coating, designed as an enclosed block. This design ensures high torsional rigidity and permits a solid connection to the shaft wall across the entire door width.

The continuous, solid door frames of the landing doors with 2.5 mm sheet metal guarantee high stability while the 4 mm galvanised steel of the tracking rails contributes to a long service life thanks to their extreme rigidity. In addition, the HD rollers made of high performance plastic guarantee a very long service life - even when faced with the heavy demands of the industrial environment.

The design of the Heavy Duty doors, made out of double-walled door leaves of at least 1.5 mm continuously welded sheet steel, is the source of their high stability, according to Meiller. The hanger plates of the fast door leaves are equal to the requirements of tough industrial use thanks to the enhanced material thickness of 6 mm of the track rollers and kicking rollers. The kicking rollers made of steel with collars and reinforced door leaf tracking rails prevent the door leaves from jumping the rails.

The lift doors are fitted with low-maintenance high performance drives, which transfer the drive energy efficiently to the double skates installed as standard. The automatic door width determination simplifies operation by making limit switches superfluous.

The HD doors are available in various designs, including centrally-opening four- and six-leaf doors and three- and two-leaf laterally opening models. The solid aluminium sills are designed for wheel loads of up to ten tons. Steel or stainless steel sills are available for especially heavy loads. "This great flexibility facilitates adjustment to varying structural conditions and requirements," Meiller pointed out.

Heavy Duty dimensions

Door model Door width Door height
Unilaterally-opening 3-leaf
DW = 700 – 2,500 mm DH = 2,000 – 4,500 mm
Unilaterally-opening 2-leaf
TTS/K 25 HD S/K 2 R/L HD
DW = 700 – 1,800 mm DH = 2,000 – 3,500 mm
Centrally-opening 4-leaf
TTS/K 28 HD S/K 4 Z HD
DW = 1,200 – 3,200 mm DH = 2,000 – 4,500 mm
Centrally-opening 6-leaf
TTS/K 32 HD S/K 6 Z HD
DW = 1,800 – 4,000 mm DH = 2,000 – 4,500 mm

              More information: meiller-aufzugtueren.de