Photo: © KPN
News | March 2025
KPN will switch off 2G only at the end of 2027
The Dutch telecommunications company KPN has postponed the switch-off of its 2G network by two years. The new date is 1 December 2027.
(Photo: © AFAG)
February 2022
I think there are currently some in the sector who are unsure whether the interlift will take place in view of the rising Omicron infection numbers.
A commentary by Michael Gubisch
At the trade fair advisory board meetings of the VFA Board of Management and of the AFAG, we naturally discuss the fundamental feasibility of the interlift. Since a lot is currently happening, those responsible in both teams are engaged in almost daily exchanges.
I am here in a dual role as a member of the Board of Management of the VFA (responsible for trade fairs) and as managing director of Schaefer GmbH, which will be represented there with a 200 m2 booth. As a result, I not only know the safety efforts needed for the booth personnel and trade fair visitors, but am also responsible for them. My advice: separate facts from emotions!
The facts: the numbers are currently continuing to rise and according to the federal government/RKI, the peak will have been reached in mid-February. At the same time, the hospitalisation rate is stable and the mortality rate falling – by contrast with earlier virus versions.
This is why I assume that the incidences will increase, but not simultaneously the number of severe illnesses. As a result, there will be no bottlenecks in the intensive care units.
In this, I agree with most virologists and also understand the current measures of the federal and state government to already implement further opening measures for large events. This includes reauthorisation of spectators at outdoor sport events and also indoor events, such as theatre, cinema and shows - naturally in appropriate numbers!
Consequently, we currently have a positive outlook regarding the organisation of trade fairs – including the interlift. Should the Free State of Bavaria prohibit trade fairs contrary to expectations, the total expenditure can be deducted separately, as far as I know, to keep the losses for trade fair participants to a minimum. If an exhibitor would like to cancel its current trade fair participation, it will have to bear the costs of the booth place and loses its location security for the interlift 2023 as a result of the re-planning of the hall required.
Of course, whether it will be a "good" trade fair depends above all on the booth visitors. In general, the sector has got through the pandemic well so far. The determination to get together again and also the need for personal exchanges (also regarding potential business after the pandemic) are very great. This was already evident at smaller events last year. Of course, we must assume a decline in overall visitor numbers.
Trade fair visitors from outside Europe in particular are not worried about travelling here or about the trade fair, but about the quarantine regulations after their return. This is also confirmed by the experience of the AFAG, which has already conducted several trade fairs during the Corona era. However, the expected decline in visitors does not refer to the share of decision-makers and specialists. As an exhibitor, I can confirm this, since we will occupy the same booth space, but come with far fewer personnel.
Incidentally, not taking part is also risky. Competitors on the spot can serve more customers with their new products at the booth than is possible by subsequent travel.
The author is a member of the VFA Board of Management responsible for trade fairs and managing director of Schaefer GmbH.
More information: interlift 2022: It's not about money, it's about the future
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