“The MiDrive has reached a new milestone”
In general, lift doors are regarded as one of the most sensitive trouble sources in a lift system. It is why diagnosing door problems as early as possible and finding the cause precisely is all the more important for keeping door standstill times to a minimum.
Consequently, there is now an event memory for the MiDrive door controller, which is intended to achieve precisely this.
The original version of the Meiller MiDrive door controller was deliberately designed with very great hardware potential to enable it to be expanded step-by-step with the currently valid software. The door drive has just been equipped with an analytical tool with error evaluation and localisation. "As a result, the MiDrive has reached a new milestone," explained Meiller Auzugstüren.
Thanks to its large memory capacity (16 MB, flash, 8 MB RAM), the MiDrive door controller is able to record the last 1000 relevant errors in its error memory (event memory). In addition, the board has an integrated, permanently running real time clock (RTC). This is a clock capable of recording data in real time for up to four weeks without electricity by means of a capacitor. As a result, the date and time stamp are placed in the error memory in a manner that is understandable throughout. The clock is set automatically as soon as a Bluetooth connection is established between the smart device and the door controller.
Log retrievable at all times
Event memory. Photo: © Meiller AufzugtürenExperience with lifts in the public sector shows that the number of 1000 entries in many cases goes back to the first start-up about 0.75 years. This means a comprehensive log is built up, which service personnel can retrieve at any time.
Typical error messages in lift controllers are usually very generally formulated, such as "door error", "door run time error" or "safety circuit error". These are now enriched with important information and as a result are far more detailed. Exact localisation of the error source and the defective door component is facilitated. Direct, targeted initiation of measures is then possible. This means an immense time gain in analysing faults that increases the availability of the lift and is an important step towards predictive maintenance.
If the MiDrive application is controlled via CANopen and the respective lift controller is available online, the door error memory can likewise be read via remote diagnostics via its virtual terminal.
Previously, the error memory could only be read via a USB interface. Thanks to the new update, the event memory can now also be retrieved via:
• PC (laptop) with USB, the MiDrive PC tool and the freely available software "Datenlogger"
• CANopen via virtual terminal in the corresponding lift controller (if present)
• Smart device app function: this is currently being programmed. The corresponding update will probably be available in the third quarter 2023.
Thanks to the great capacity reserves of the MiDrive hardware, older devices can also benefit from the new developments. This is dependent on regular updates. According to the company, the MiDrive door controller is an important part of its digitalisation strategy. The system is undergoing continuous further development and further features such as predictive monitoring are to be made available.
More information: meiller-aufzugtueren.de
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