Swedish midsummer festival in Frankfurt
The Swedish company Hissmekano opened a spare parts warehouse in Germany several months ago. It was officially opened with a midsummer festival at the end of June.
The warehouse in Niederhausen near Frankfurt is about 1,400 m2. The company opened it in March and since then has supplied lift parts from there throughout Germany, to Switzerland, the Benelux and the United Kingdom.
Those attending were offered a multitude of Swedish dishes – including classics like köttbullar (Swedish meatballs), gravad salmon (marinated salmon) and inlagd sill (hering). In addition, the guests took the opportunity to talk shop with the Hissmekano employees and take part in a basketball competition.
Direct exchanges with customers
Photo: © Hissmekano"The friendly competition contributed to the festival atmosphere and created an unforgettable experience for all participants," reported the managing director of Hissmekano GmbH, Joachim Wollnert.
He thanked the customers who had remained loyal to Hissmekano and the employees for their dedication and commitment, which had helped to make the opening of the warehouse a success and ensured the smooth running of the shipping. "Events like this are important for us to get into direct exchanges with our customers." For this reason, it would become an annual event. "We’ll make it a tradition."
More information: hissmekano.com
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