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News | February 2025
New employee at GMV
Felix Hartung has been working as sales manager at Oildinamic GMV elevator drives since January 1, 2025.
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) from Lödige Industries. (Photo: © Lödige Industries)
June 2023
A new module from Lödige Industries permits both driverless transport systems as well as autonomous mobile robots (AMR) to interact with various lift systems in order to transport up to 20 tons total weight vertically.
Goods and cargo lifts are networked in this way with autonomous transport vehicles, facilitating automated material transport across several storeys.
According to Lödige, the automation module is compatible both with the cargo lift Olympus as well as with the goods lifts Sherpa and Escorta. Various options exist for the communication between the lift and fleet management system.
For example, parameterizable interfaces are offered for the Olympus cargo lift, which reduce the need for cabling and communicate directly with the fleet management system. In future, this version will also be available for the Sherpa and Escorta models.
"Thanks to the intelligent integration of cargo lifts, the range and as a result the cost advantage of driverless transport systems can be expanded quickly and without complications, even in existing buildings and cramped spaces. Particularly in combination with our Olympus cargo lift, completely new options are available to our customers in the heavy duty sphere up to 20 t or more," pointed out Tobias Wennekamp, new Chief Product Officer at Lödige Industries.
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