Lift systems as kit or certified complete system
LiftEquip has been selling lift components for over 35 years and has almost 15 years of experience with kits and system solutions.
The demand for complete lift systems and modernisation solutions has greatly increased since the conversion to EN 81-20/-50.
LiftEquip’s lift systems are described in the LEA family. A distinction is drawn between the mechanical kits of the LEA Standard and LEA Comfort for lifts without machine rooms, and the LEA Comfort Plus and LEA Cargo for lifts with machine rooms; in these special solutions can also be realised.
Type-approved system
LiftEquip had the mechanical kit of LEA Comfort inspected by an authorised body as a complete system in combination with the MPK411 control from Kollmorgen and the frequency converter E300 from Control Techniques.
The result is documented in the EU-ML 210 certificate. Fermator 40/10- or Premium series doors are used. The type approval certificate describes other options for doors and frequency converters.
The mechanical kit of the LEA Comfort used is based on a type-approved system in which the complete controller with all options was realised with the Kollmorgen MPK411. As a result, all the familiar options that Kollmorgen offers in this controller are available, including the diagnosis tools.
Special design with firmware
At LiftEquip, the E300 frequency converter from Control Techniques has replaced the previous frequency converter of the MFC series. For this purpose, Control Techniques provided a special design with firmware for LiftEquip, in which the data for the LiftEquip drives – gearless and geared – is included and where the parameters are filed on a data card for easy start-up.
In the LEA Comfort, the converter design provides for installation in the control cabinet or in the shaft, as preferred, or for wall mounting when used for modernisations.
Alternatively, the frequency converter can also be supplied for unprotected operation with a corresponding type approval certificate. Where energy regeneration is required, this can be realised with an additional regeneration unit.
Complete drive packages
Parallel interfaces, DCP 3 and 4 as well as CANopen are available as interfaces. As a result, LiftEquip can market complete drive packages with geared drives and gearless machines, which are coordinated with each and for which many years of experience with different customers are available. LiftEquip’s telephone hotline is available to support the converter. LiftEquip’s technical support can provide assistance on all technical questions.
To permit the usual drive design in the LEKalk 3.0 design tool, the data of the E300 series is filed in the program. Through cooperation with its Kollmorgen and Control Techniques partners, LiftEquip is able to provide lift systems and solutions for modernisation with components freely available on the market, which cover the many different demand types of its customers.
Apart from the type-approved LEA Comfort system, the mechanical kits of the LEA family with clearly-documented interfaces for control and electrical installation on their own can be combined with the electrical components of the preferred supplier, thus creating a coordinated complete system with which corresponding realisation of the customer project is then possible.
This guarantees great flexibility, taking any preferences into account, thereby providing the greatest possible independence. Thus, LiftEquip is ideally equipped for demands both in the new lift market and modernisations.
Volker Lenzner – LiftEquip GmbH Elevator Components
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