Landing door frames with integrated lift control
The entire lift control integrated in a door frame? The Munich door manufacturer Meiller Aufzugtüren has been installing controls in the lock frame of telescopic doors for a considerable time.
Today, the majority of lifts are built without machine room. As a result, alternative or new installation options have to be found for various components that were originally positioned in the machine room. Of course, these components have to be light and accessible at all times, but on the other hand not promote any vandalism.
In view of this, control manufacturers have developed small compact models that under particular circumstances can be built into door frames. The Munich door manufacturer Meiller Aufzugtüren has been installing controls in the lock frame of telescopic doors for a considerable time. At the same time, there are minimum and maximum dimensions for the breadth and depth of frames. The space requirement is adjusted to each control.
Access occurs in two steps
The door or frame height is irrelevant for the installation. Access to the control always occurs while the landing doors are closed via the lock frame in the clear door width (reveal). The cover is fitted with a latch lock, which can be equipped with a special lock cylinder of a lock system.
Access occurs in two steps: first, the lock is unlocked, with the latch being deactivated by lifting the cover. Then the lid is taken off and put aside. The fitter now has access to the service area of the control and can do his work there.
If direct intervention is required in the control unit, the screws on the left and right in the landing door area [door-height level) then have to be loosened and the inner cover can be removed horizontally. This provides you with complete access to the control unit. Moreover, in the case Meiller lift doors, controls can be installed in the opening frames of two-leaf centrally opening doors or telescopic doors.
Fire protection certification obtained
Consequently, if the customer so wishes, the left or right frame can be used as control frame in all centrally-opening door types (two, four or six-part) if the corresponding dimensions can be taken into account. The structure of the frame is identical to the lock frames described above.
All control frames have pre-stamped break-out openings, which can be used as cable outlets if necessary. However, no small control panels can be installed in the control frames.
Together with several German control manufacturers, Meiller has obtained fire protection certification according to EN 81-58 E120 of the control frames for the entire sliding door range. Versions are available according to DIN 18091 for other control manufacturers, but in future even more fire experiments will be carried out according EN 81-58, because a new experiment will be required for almost every control type.
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