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News | February 2025
New employee at GMV
Felix Hartung has been working as sales manager at Oildinamic GMV elevator drives since January 1, 2025.
Sprint 4.0i landing door (S-2-Z) 1 (Photo: © Meiller Aufzugtüren)
May 2024
Fast lifts need a fast door system. Meiller has now optimised the Sprint 4.0i door system for this purpose.
By Florian Runck
Urbanisation is progressing. For example, not only are commercially-used buildings constantly getting higher but public buildings and residential blocks too. As a result, the mass of user flows to be transported is steadily increasing, especially at peak hours, and lifts with higher nominal speeds (> 4 m/s) are needed.
Conveyance performance calculations have become a central element of lift planning. Upon closer examination, it quickly becomes clear that it is not just the travel speed of the lifts that is responsible for maximum conveyance performance. The lift doors and their speed play a decisive role too.
The Munich component manufacturer Meiller Aufzugtüren reacted to these mobility requirements and developed the "Sprint 4.0i" door system for fast lifts in high-rise buildings.
Meiller found the key to achieving high door speeds of up to 1 m/s when opening as well as for running comfort and reliability was the deployment of special components and assemblies:
• The large rollers with a 90 mm Ø and 35 mm Ø kicker rollers ensure smooth running and a long service life.
• The type TM1 – DV double skate systems with enlarged clearance to compensate for unfavourable maladjustments of up to +/- 6 mm are intended to ensure trouble-free passage of the car door through landings with speeds of over 4.0 m/s.
• The double-walled welded door leaf design with additional mineral wool filling leads to low noise emissions and an extremely stable run across the entire door cycle.
• The Meiller MiDrive "intelligent" door system with the Meiller app and QR code guarantees upon start-up that the doors are automatically trained with the correspondingly adjusted sprint travel profile. For example, an opening time of less than 1.3 s "from the start" can be achieved in the case of centrally-opening, two-leaf doors with a door breadth of 1,100 mm and door height of 2,300 mm.
The Sprint 4.0i landing door meets the requirements of EN 81-20-50 and likewise has fire certification according to EN 81-58 E120. In addition, the door was subjected to a differential pressure test (blower door test). This is because factors like high speeds and air flows likewise play an immense role in planning and designing high-rise lifts and have to be brought under control.
The door component is often assigned a key role here since it has a direct influence on the overall performance, comfort and passenger safety. Leakiness of the lift doors with direct interactions with the respective floors is regarded as one of the crucial variables.
The Spring 4.0i door system in addition offers:
• Landing doors with increased requirements for airtightness according to the differential pressure test
• Optimisation to avoid whistling noises and "chimney effects" in the shaft
• A target leakage rate of max. 150 m³/h at a pressure difference of +/- 100 Pascal was achieved
• Deployment up to door height (clearance) of 2,600 mm in bipartite centrally-opening design
The author is product manager at Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH.
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