Cloud-based monitoring of elevators
The Bosch Elevator Cloud bundles smart elevator solutions, improving safety and reducing costs regardless of manufacturer.
In growing cities, elevators are becoming an indispensable part of everyday life. With the cities, the networking of buildings, people and technical systems is growing. This networking offers opportunities: The Internet of Things ("IoT") can help make elevators safer by combining hardware, software and services.
Bosch Service Solutions will be presenting the Bosch Elevator Cloud at the Interlift 2019, which combines all elevator-related services. In addition to the connection of emergency call devices, passenger rescue, and visual inspection, the manufacturer-independent monitoring of elevators is another Bosch Elevator Cloud Service.
Making elevators safer
Combining sensors and services forms the basis for intelligent solutions. In the elevator sector, one of these solutions is the manufacturer-independent monitoring of elevators.
An easy to install sensor box detects and reports defined operating states, such as a fault-related elevator standstill, door malfunction, and further malfunctions of the elevator.
The sensor box transmits data that is has detected, to a cloud, where all data will be collected and analyzed. This cloud centrally provides authorized people with operating states and important information about the elevators. Fault-related shutdowns and malfunctions are reported immediately, so that the availability of elevators can be increased.
Manufacturer-independent retrofit solutions
As a long-standing distributor of SafeLine, Bosch Service Solutions has developed a retrofit solution for the monitoring of elevators in a cooperative partnership. The solution is manufacturer neutral and suitable for almost every elevator.
"Quick and easy retrofitting of the elevator was a key objective of product development. The elevators are out of service for less than 30 minutes during installation of the sensor box. Installation is therefore fast and cost-effective, with minimum downtime", explains Michael Bär, Senior Product Manager at Bosch Service Solutions.
Since no connection to the elevator controller is necessary and no interference with other existing systems takes place, the installation as "Plug-and-Play" is quick and uncomplicated, Bär continues: "The first successful pilot projects with customers are currently running. These field tests will be extended to further interested parties in the upcoming weeks. In the first half of 2020, the cloud-based monitoring of elevators as a service of the Bosch Elevator Cloud will then be available on a regular basis."
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