AFAG: "Run on the interlift 2023"
The interlift organiser AFAG reports unusually strong interest in the interlift 2023: "The team cannot remember a run like the current one for the interlift 2023," it says in a recent press release.
Just four weeks after publication of the participation documents, 220 registrations had already been received, including "important lift companies that could not be present in 2022". This means that 88 percent of the space at the interlift 2022 is already occupied, almost 60 percent compared to the last trade fair in "normal" times, the interlift 2019, according to AFAG.
Leading industry representatives have confirmed
Leading industry representatives such as Wittur, Orona, Meiller, Lift Equip, Genemec, Montanari, Prisma, Schaefer and Ali Onur want to be there in October 2023. In addition, there will again be large joint presentations such as those from Italy and China.
"The decisive factor for the enormous interest in the interlift 2023 is certainly the successful re-launch of the interlift last April," says the press release. Despite the difficult general conditions, 11,800 trade visitors from 87 nations came to Augsburg
New hall structures
Against the background of new requirements imposed by the local authorities, the interlift project management advises all interested companies to register their participation as early as possible. The reason for this, they say, is current regulations regarding escape routes and fire protection.
"In some cases, these force the project managers to make changes to the hall layout," explains the organiser. This has consequences for quite a few exhibitors in the form of changes to their usual stand space or positioning.
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