"A new era – even more BLACK & Yellow" is Giovenzana International B.V.’s motto for ringing in the future. The company has invested heavily in Italy and Hungary to achieve this.
Yellow and black – these colours have been the trademark of the Italian family-owned company since its foundation in 1952. This is what the motto refers to, under which the company, with 250 employees worldwide, presented its plans for the future and the investments already made at a press conference.
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Magic box: Investments have for example been made at its headquarters north of Milan: a "magic box" was built there. This term refers to a new automatic warehouse – the "heart" of the company. Now, 2,800 pallets can be processed there daily - this happens 24/7, i.e. round the clock.
The "magic box" prepares consignments for delivery for individual customers; as a result, the processing time has been cut from three hours to five minutes, explained general manager Massimo Giovenzana. "Our goal is to be faster than everyone else." Moreover, the automatic warehouse is supposed to save floor space, cut the error ratio and reduce the risks for the employees working there.
Fifty new employees
Hungary: Giovenzana has also expanded in Hungary. As early as 2002, the company set up a production plant there for the production and assembly of automation components. In June 2018 – after only five months construction time – a second production plant for its lift components was inaugurated on a 2,800 m2 site.
Fifty new employees were appointed for this purpose – on the same good working conditions as in Italy, emphasised Massimo Giovenzana, who is managing the company in the third generation. This was in line with the philosophy of the company, emphasised the company boss. "Our goal is not the cheapest production possible, but meeting customer needs, the quality of our products and safety for fitters and maintenance personnel."
Fitted with the latest technology
Conference room: The expansion also includes a new conference room, fitted with the latest technology. The multimedia equipment ranges from the main display, whiteboard, web cam, electronic pent and interactive QR codes to mobile apps.
As a result, speakers there should be able to interact effortlessly with any external users connected online. "This place is a real window to the world that connects us with customers, suppliers and all of our European and extra-European locations," underlined Giovenzana.
Enter a "virtual reality"
Outfit: The company, with its head office in Amsterdam, has simultaneously completely overhauled its public presentation. The new website is on the verge of being ready; the new company outfit also includes Giovenzana abandoning the classic trade fair stand.
In future, visitors are to be able to enter a "virtual reality" and experience products interactively. The lift sector was able to experience what exactly this means for the first time at the Asansör Istanbul, but the new stand will of course also be on display at the interlift.
However, just how much this new era cost is not something company boss Massimo Giovenzana is prepared to reveal. He will only say, "It was plenty."
Personalia: There is also news on the personnel front: Mehmit Resit Karakaplan, Sales & Marketing Director of Giovenzana International B.V., has assumed management of the new company office in Turkey. Previously, Karakaplan was responsible for the Middle East and Africa as district head in Dubai.
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