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News | February 2025
New employee at GMV
Felix Hartung has been working as sales manager at Oildinamic GMV elevator drives since January 1, 2025.
December 2017
Usually, what brings lifts to a standstill is something simple. Since the car door is the most moved component of a lift, the source of trouble is most commonly found here.
Depending on the type and usage, the life cycle of a lift car door is between 20 and 30 years. If a car door is in fact the trouble source, it is often just the drive with its mechanical components that is the problem.
1. Spare part procurement
–Since there are no longer all that many door manufacturers left or the door may be the product of a competitor, finding spare parts is often a real problem.
2. Replacement of the complete car door
–This is often preferred, but is a kind of 'salami slice' modernisation.
–Installing a complete car door is mechanically very complicated and associated with long delivery times. The high quality door leaves (often better than the new ones) are replaced unnecessarily at the same time. This is expensive and a waste of resources.
–If the lift undergoes a complete modernisation a few years later, it cannot seriously be expected that the then "used" car door can be adopted. Especially since the lift builder has then made itself dependent on the car door manufacturer, given that in the event of modernisation it will also have to buy the landing doors from the latter.
3. Renewal of the door drive
–Here the only things that get replaced are what is needed for the safe operation of the lift.
–Standstills are reduced to a minimum.
–If the "normal" wearing parts are replaced at the same time, the customer has a car door with modern travel behaviour for the next life cycle.
Langer & Laumann Ingenieurbüro GmbH can quickly and reliably provide the right solution for precisely these problems. Conversion solutions for all standard car doors have been created in the course of many years of experience in close cooperation with fitters on building sites around the world.
Thanks to comprehensive warehouse stocks, modified conversion packages can be delivered to the building site desired within 24 hours. Since only the actual car door drive is replaced and no elaborate work on and in the car is incurred, the lift is quickly operational for the coming years in a future-secure manner.
Service is a major theme. Given the multitude of lift doors, it is not easy to find matching spare parts or modernisation solutions. Langer & Laumann have taken another route: after getting a picture of the lift door, the service department at Langer & Laumann produce a complete modernisation solution.
Important accessories like rollers, door guide rails and connection solutions are taken into consideration so that the shortest possible conversion time can lower the modernisation costs. If fitters have installation questions, these can be cleared up easily with a service employee of Langer & Laumann by telephone or per WhatsApp.
For many years Langer & Laumann has been working on further development of its own door control device (TSG) to modernise all existing lift doors. For example, the door control device has special functions for conversion; a drive can optionally be controlled by the TSG, which actuates the lock. The door control device not only offers very flexible adjustment options, but also has an extremely robust casing thanks to the striking blue metal housing in IP54 design.
Strict attention was paid throughout to backward compatibility while developing the new generation. Drive motors of the first generation can be operated with the current fourth generation device. This compatibility means fitters can familiarise themselves very quickly.
It makes no difference to the door control device of Langer & Laumann whether the car doors are small and light or the large and wide ones of a cargo lift door. Adjustments are possible on the door control device via the jog wheel or conveniently and effortlessly with the optional web interface using a smartphone or tablet. Additional functions like an emergency power supply or CAN Open Lift are optionally available.
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